School Field Practice

School field practice is a program for students of education program need to study the aspects of learning and management of education in educational units. It is conducted based on the regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 55 Year 2017. This program is carried out in the form of a school field practice ( ). BEB students do assisted-fieldwork activities in partner schools for 2 months through guided teaching practices and schooling programs. Fieldwork of Bachelor of Education in Biology students are carried out in an integrated manner along with other education study programs throughout UNY. This activity is coordinated through the Service Center for Field Experience and Field Work Practices. Information and activities related to assisted fieldwork can be accessed by lecturers and students on

Here are the institution partner involved in PLP

  1. SMA 1 Bangutapan
  2. SMA 1 JetiS
  3. SMA 1 Wonosari
  4. SMA 1 Srandakan
  5. SMA 1 Bantul
  6. SMA 1 Turi
  7. SMA 1 Gamping
  8. SMA 1 Minggir
  9. SMA 1 Prambanan
  10. SMA 2 Wonosari
  11. SMA 1 Mlati
  12. SMA 11 Yogyakarta
  13. SMA 1 Depok
  14. SMA 1 Piyungan
  15. SMA 1 Pengasih
  16. SMA 1 Pakem
  17. SMA 1 Imogiri
  18. MAN 2 Yogyakarta
  19. SMA Angkasa
  20. MAN 1 Sleman
  21. SMA 1 Joglonalan
  22. SMA 1 Pleret
  23. MAN 1 Yogyakarta
  24. SMA 1 Ngemplak
  25. SMA 3 Klaten
  26. MAN 3 Sleman
  27. SMA 4 Yogyakarta
  28. SMA 10 Yogyakarta
  29. SMA 1 Godean
  30. SMA 1 Tempel
  31. SMA 2 Wonosari
  32. SMA 1 Sanden
  33. SMA 1 Sedayu
  34. SMA 1 Pakem
  35. SMA 1 Cawas
  36. SMA 1 Jetis
  37. SMA 9 Yogyakarta