
The Curriculum of Bachelor of Education in Biology

Currently, the Bachelor of Education in Biology, FMIPA, UNY uses the 2022 Curriculum. The new Curriculum Accommodates the "Merdeka Belajar" program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The curriculum is structured as a guideline for organizing learning at the study program level. The curriculum development is based on the results of curriculum evaluations conducted on stakeholders, alumni, students, parents of students, graduate users, competent resource persons, and lecturers. The evaluation results from various parties were formulated by the study program level curriculum development team which was subsequently compiled as an academic text that would serve as a guideline for curriculum development. The curriculum development also takes into account the SWOT analysis of the study program, the national and international university curriculum benchmarks, graduate tracer study, and government regulations from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education.

The complete curriculum can be downloaded below

The Curriculum of Bachelor of Education in Biology [in Bahasa]
