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Audio Visual Laboratory of the Department of Biology Education UNY Successfully Supports the Making of Educational Promotional Videos of Sendang Mudal Sawangan

The Audio Visual Laboratory of the Department of Biology Education (AVIS Lab) participated in the success of making education-based promotional videos for Sendang Mudal Sawangan. This activity is a continuation of the community service program that has been going on since 2021. In 2023, a team of lecturers consisting of Rio Christy Handziko, S.Pd.Si., M.Pd., Dr. Anggi Tiyas Pratama, M.Pd., and Rizqa Devi Anazifa, M.Pd., will collaborate with Sawangan village officials and Bumdes Bimasena in two different activities. One of the activities that stood out was the making of a promotional video of Sendang Mudal, an educational tourist site that had been developed by a team of previous lecturers.
The process of shooting promotional videos of Sendang Mudal Sawangan
The AVIS Lab team took part in the process of making this video, starting from the planning stage with the preparation of story boards, taking videos using sophisticated equipment such as drones, cameras, and gimbals, to the editing process and dissemination through social media. The AVIS Lab also contributed by adding location maps using motion graphicsin the editing process, providing an interesting and informative visual dimension.
Unlike promotional videos in general, this video is focused on biodiversity in Sendang Mudal Sawangan, both in terms of flora and fauna. This step is in line with the efforts of the lecturer team in combining recreation with learning at the location.
The use of audio-visual technology and editing by the AVIS Lab Team greatly enriches the content of this promotional video. Drones provide a beautiful perspective from above, and motion graphic location maps add aesthetic and informative value to the video. This promotional video of Sendang Mudal Sawangan has been published on the official YouTube channel of the Department of Biology Education FMIPA UNY. You can access it through the following link:
Poin Muyayanah, Chairman of Bumdes Bimasena, expressed his appreciation for the contribution of AVIS Lab in making the promotional video. "With this video, we believe that Sendang Mudal will be increasingly known by the wider community as an interesting and educational tourist destination," he added.
The making of this video also supports Bumdes Bimasena's efforts to increase promotion through social media. The team of lecturers and AVIS Lab hope that this video will not only attract the attention of tourists, but also help increase public understanding of the biodiversity in Sendang Mudal Sawangan.
In addition, the Department of Biology Education FMIPA UNY hopes that this video can inspire and support nature conservation efforts in various circles. The positive collaboration with Sawangan Village continues, with the AVIS Lab Team currently running a village profile video project that aims to further introduce and socialize the potential and uniqueness of Sawangan Village.
Sistem Informasi
Kontak Kami
Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi
Kantor Jurusan Pendidikan Biologi
Gedung Dekanat FMIPA lt III
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Kampus Karangmalang Yogyakarta 55281
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